Keep fighting spirit.Enjoy the life everyday!


Life Without Internet

The day before yesterday, I went to XinZhuang, the biggest town of Minghang district, Shanghai, the connection point of subway No.1 and railway No.5. During the whole two days there, I was watching TV, reciting Law Fundamental review materials, and there was no connection to the Internet. That was totally different from my daily life in the campus. When in the campus, we spend about 50% of the time in the dorm in front of a PC, we check our email box everyday, login bbs, Xiaonei frequently. Suddenly, there is no Internet in life; you can imagine what it would be like, I feel there is nothing I can do without a computer, because it’s been part of my life. We rely on it so heavily, once we are separated from it, we may feel lost.
Many people live more in a virtual world on the internet than in the real world. On the internet, you can build or join a virtual community, make friends, grow pets, write blog, make money, do business...almost every thing in the real world could be processed on the internet. No one can eliminate Internet from his life once he touched it.

All above is nonsense, I’m so upset with the disfunction of the net in our dorm while other dorms work well.

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