Keep fighting spirit.Enjoy the life everyday!



Tomorrow will be the group interview at Valeo APO, get no preparation at all, anyway, I'll just do what I should do, be myself, that's enough. Went to haircut after dinner, for under too much pressure or else reason like low quality sleep, I'm losing my hair…

There's a funny thing this afternoon, when my roommate Qiang sent an email to a friend who has just taken the college entrance exam, I persuaded him to write in English to avoid coding error, the content of the email was simple: he found some social higher education colleges may suit his friend, and some recommendatory majors available. When typing that email, we had to use a Chinese English dictionary to translate the Chinese sentences word by word, it was really clumsy and joking, seems we both have such a long way to walk when improving English. Maybe some people will say English is not necessary for everyone, indeed, not everybody will use it after graduation, but the amazing information world on the internet will mean nothing to us if language is an obstacle.

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