Keep fighting spirit.Enjoy the life everyday!


Bless our senior

I heard from Chen Zhou yesterday that one of a senior student in our school, and probably from our department, committed suicide diving from floor nine of Mechanical Building. The reason is still not clear; some people said it’s because of the graduate essay, he didn’t pass, so finished his life under pressure. Today, the suicide in on the newspaper and news net media like Sina, Sohu, there is also many comments in bbs.

My work: this morning I told Didier that I need to understand the system before I can setup the rules for filing and folding, I read some of those old files and asked Chen Zhou about the process of the business and the main function of MES department, simply speaking, MES is a service department help it’s eight divisions to find lower cost suppliers and conduct auditing to guarantee the quality of those products produced by valeo’s productions sites. Now I know my tasks better than yesterday, but there is still much to know to get to the insight of the business. Tomorrow I will have my email address at Valeo, and then I can ask my colleagues to send those missing docs to me to classify them, there is still much to learn. My director will leave China to India for business this Friday, after that I will use email to report to him and ask his advice and suggestions. Bing is very nice, maybe tomorrow I can ask him to give me a brief lesson about the business process of our department and the whole office.

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