Keep fighting spirit.Enjoy the life everyday!


Make your problem everybody’s problem

Didier came back this on Friday, I told him that I didn't get my task finished because I didn't have the right to access the advanced database, he was not happy to hear that, he asked me why didn't I send an email to headquarter in France to get an ID, I was surprised and told him that I thought I am just a intern, and should not be given such right. After my explanation, he was surprised too, "hey, don't fear that you are an intern, make your problem everybody's problem if you can't solve it by yourself" I still didn't accept that much so I asked if that would bother others, then he said:" if you are not bothering others, if they (colleagues in other departments) said they were never bothered by Egon (me), then you are useless, I don't need you" I didn't remember it's the second or third time he told me that I am useless. Anyway, I got his point, use every possible man you can get to achieve your goal, we just need the result, the process should not be set and fixed, try any possible way to finish the task. That's another lesson I've learned this week.


BBY will hold an intern experience share party next Saturday, I confirmed my participation, Walden will give advices regarding our problems accounted when internship.


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